Quality Center:We can use Quality Center to create a project (central repository) of manual and automated tests and components, build test cycles, run tests and components, and report and track defects. You can also create reports and graphs to help you review the progress of test planning, runs, and defect tracking before a software release. When you work in QuickTest, you can create and save tests and components directly to your Quality Center project. You can run QuickTest tests or components from Quality Center and then use Quality Center to review and manage the results. You can also use Quality Center with Business Process Testing support to create business process tests, comprised of the components you create in either QuickTest or Quality Center with Business Process Testing support.
Advantages of Quality Center:
Quality Center is a single application for complete Test ManagementStarts with Requirements, goes through Test Planning and Test Execution, and on through Defects.Each of these items can be linked or associated with each other.
How to connect to QC form QTP:
with the below simple steps and pictures you will be able to see how we can connect to QC from QTP
1. Open file menu and click on to QC connection and give the QC server url.
2. Give the user credentials, select the domain, project and close the window
Advantages of Quality Center:
Quality Center is a single application for complete Test ManagementStarts with Requirements, goes through Test Planning and Test Execution, and on through Defects.Each of these items can be linked or associated with each other.
How to connect to QC form QTP:
with the below simple steps and pictures you will be able to see how we can connect to QC from QTP
1. Open file menu and click on to QC connection and give the QC server url.
2. Give the user credentials, select the domain, project and close the window
3. Now your QTP is connected to QC successfully.
now we will see How to upload QTP scripts to QC
1. Open automation script witch you already developed and click on save as.
2. Select the folder name and click on Ok button
Now we will see How to save resource files in QC
1.Open the Resource file from file menu and click on save as..
2. select the folder and click on ok.
Now all are ready in the QC from QTP, we will see how we will Execute Automation script from QC
1. Open QC and go to Test Lab.
2. Create a test set and select the Automation scripts.
3. Click on Run
4. Give Host IP/Name in the Run On Host field or Select Run All Tests Locally check box to run on local host
5.Click on the Launch report to see the QTP report.
Now we will see Batch Run of automation scripts from QC
1. Open QC and go to Test Lab.
2. Create a test set and select the Automation scripts.
3. Click On Run Test Set in QC
4. Give Host IP/Name in the Run On Host field or Select Run All Tests Locally check box to run on local host