Thursday, October 13, 2011

Regular Expressions Utility Functions in VB Script

Below are the some of the very important functions using the regular expression in VB Script, which will make your Automation script creation very easy.

"'Function to check if a string matches a Regular Expression Pattern
Function IsRegExMatch(strText, regEx_Pattern, blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal
'Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString
'Test the regular expression
IsRegExMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

"'Function to Match a Regular Expression and Replace with a particular text if a string matches a regular expression pattern.
Function RegExMatchandReplace(strText,regEx_Pattern,strReplacementText,blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal,strReplacedText

' Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp

'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString

'Test the regular expression
RegExMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
If RegExMatch = True Then
strReplacedText = oRegExp.Replace(strText,strReplacementText)
End If
RegExMatchandReplace = strReplacedText
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

"'Function to Get Total Number of Matches of a Regular Expression Pattern in a particular string
Function GetRegExMatchCount(strText, regEx_Pattern, blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal
'Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp

'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString

'Test the regular expression
RegExpMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
If RegExpMatch Then
Set oRegExMatchCount = oRegExp.Execute(strText)
GetRegExMatchCount = oRegExMatchCount.Count
End If
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

"'Function to Trim white space characters from end of a string
Public Function RTrimW(ByVal Text)
'String pattern ending with carriage return, tab, new line or a space character
RTrimPattern = "[\s]*$"

Dim oRegExp
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern =RTrimPattern
oRegExp.Global = False
RTrimW = oRegExp.Replace(Text,"")
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

"'Function to Trim white space characters from start of a string
Public Function LTrimW(ByVal Text)
'String pattern ending with carriage return, tab, new line or a space character
LTrimPattern = "^[\s]*"
Dim oRegExp
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern = LTrimPattern
oRegExp.Global = False
LTrimW = oRegExp.Replace(Text,"")
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function

"Function to Trim white space characters from both start and end of a string
Public Function TrimW(ByVal Text)
TrimW = LTrimW(RTrimW(Text))
End Function


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