Below are the some of the very important functions using the regular expression in VB Script, which will make your Automation script creation very easy.
"'Function to check if a string matches a Regular Expression Pattern
Function IsRegExMatch(strText, regEx_Pattern, blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal
'Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString
'Test the regular expression
IsRegExMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
"'Function to Match a Regular Expression and Replace with a particular text if a string matches a regular expression pattern.
Function RegExMatchandReplace(strText,regEx_Pattern,strReplacementText,blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal,strReplacedText
' Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString
'Test the regular expression
RegExMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
If RegExMatch = True Then
strReplacedText = oRegExp.Replace(strText,strReplacementText)
End If
RegExMatchandReplace = strReplacedText
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
"'Function to Get Total Number of Matches of a Regular Expression Pattern in a particular string
Function GetRegExMatchCount(strText, regEx_Pattern, blnMatchCompleteString)
Dim oRegExp, retVal
'Create regular expression object.
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
'Set pattern.
oRegExp.Pattern = regEx_Pattern
'Ignore case
oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
'Match complete string or not
oRegExp.Global = blnMatchCompleteString
'Test the regular expression
RegExpMatch = oRegExp.Test(strText)
If RegExpMatch Then
Set oRegExMatchCount = oRegExp.Execute(strText)
GetRegExMatchCount = oRegExMatchCount.Count
End If
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
"'Function to Trim white space characters from end of a string
Public Function RTrimW(ByVal Text)
'String pattern ending with carriage return, tab, new line or a space character
RTrimPattern = "[\s]*$"
Dim oRegExp
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern =RTrimPattern
oRegExp.Global = False
RTrimW = oRegExp.Replace(Text,"")
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
"'Function to Trim white space characters from start of a string
Public Function LTrimW(ByVal Text)
'String pattern ending with carriage return, tab, new line or a space character
LTrimPattern = "^[\s]*"
Dim oRegExp
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern = LTrimPattern
oRegExp.Global = False
LTrimW = oRegExp.Replace(Text,"")
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
"Function to Trim white space characters from both start and end of a string
Public Function TrimW(ByVal Text)
TrimW = LTrimW(RTrimW(Text))
End Function
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